Wednesday Wisdom: A Threshold…

In a few days I shall celebrate my fortieth birthday….

If you asked me a few years ago, “what would forty look like?” I wouldn’t even have known what the next day would look like…wasn’t even sure I’d want to embrace the next day… I could barely breathe let alone imagine…

I shall never forget the days I held in my hurts and cried at night,

Wondering if God was real why couldn’t He remove my pain…

I shall never forget the days I counted pennies for lunch..because I gave my friend my last dime…

I wasn’t sure I knew how to Mother…but every day I tried my best…

I wasn’t sure what love was or if it would be in my life ever again in any form..I certainly couldn’t feel it..

But I kept my heart open…I wanted to *believe*..

I ran laps on the beach because it was the only place I felt safe..

I lay on the rock jetty and hoped a wave would surge and swipe me and my pain far far away…

Ah, but today..well *today* I can tell you what forty and beyond will look like:

Light filled, peace filled, delight filled, magical moments…

All because I’ve chosen to open my heart fully

To holding God’s hand, housing God’s Spirit, allowing for the abundance of the Universe to flow through me…

My forties…and beyond..are full of Love so Divine so radiant, so magnificent…

I shall be folded in, treasured, cherished.. 

Just as I shall fold in, treasure, and cherish…

My moments will be full of Creativity, Passion, Fun, Laughter….

An abundance of good energy, friendship, travel, writing, life coaching clients, speaking engagements…

Delicious food, a peace filled home, prosperity, service projects…

Swimming, kayaking, beach time, sailing, hiking..adventures of all kinds…

I shall allow my heart to remain open to the moment as it is presented to me…

I shall release anything that is a barrier to the flow of Energy, while I embrace all else…

I shall allow for peace filled unfolding in my life…the Answers are all there, waiting to be Seen,

All I need is in my life in abundance, waiting to be Uncovered…

I shall continue to allow my Light to shine Bright, to heal, to guide, to grow…

I shall love myself as kindly as I love you…

My children shall continue to be my Angels…whom I love and enjoy with my Being…

My heart shall be overflowing with gratitude, as it is, and I shall spend entire days in praise…

I shall look to the skies–bask in the sun’s rays and sleep under the moonbeams…

I shall be surrounded by peace, joy, Energy golden and pure…

My garden shall be so bountiful that the fragrance will follow me everywhere…

And my world will be colored with varying hues and blossoms…

And, of course, an abundance of….

“Butterflies and glitter”…*grin*

In these last few days of thirty-nine, I am thankful for every step of the way…

I am releasing and cleaning and preparing to cross this important threshold…

Ready to embrace the new me on the other side…

These preparations are important to me…this is my *Life* heaven on earth…I shall be ready…

I shall remain behind the scenes in blogland…however, this Friday I have a special guest to share a beauty filled gift with you…

And this weekend, as I celebrate crossing my threshold, you will be with me in Spirit.

From my heart to yours…Much peace…

  1. #1 by Jay Schryer on July 14, 2010 - 11:58 am

    This is really and truly beautiful. It’s so full of life, so full of hope, so full of love. It’s so…you. May we all come to love ourselves and our lives as you do, and may all of our futures be as bright as yours will be as a result.

    Now, a birthday blessing for you:

    May all of your dreams come true, while your nightmares vanish;

    May your love explode, while your fears are banished;

    May your joy be amplified, while your sorrows diminish; and

    May your spirit know peace, until your work here is finished.

    Happy (early) Birthday!

  2. #2 by Sulwyn on July 14, 2010 - 2:40 pm

    Happy early birthday! I am so inspired by your outlook toward this coming birthday, and am working to clear more of the clutter before my birthday arrives in another month. Thank you for sharing so openly and inspiringly about how you are making the journey so much better and authentic!

  3. #3 by Lisa@Practically Intuitive on July 14, 2010 - 3:01 pm

    I’m looking at 50 this year and can share with you that my 40s was an AMAZING decade of growth, joy, grief, lessons learned (some took lots longer than others) and finally, peace. In the middle of it all, I found the strength to just be me, just as I am. For better or worse. I like myself 100x more than I ever have because I am being authentic and true.

    Your perspective as you head into 40 is so uplifting. It made me smile just reading it. You are so in the flow. Ride it, baybeee! 🙂

    Have a lovely birthday and I wish you much joy in the coming year.

  4. #4 by Jan on July 14, 2010 - 4:07 pm

    Happy early birthday, dear Joy. May this next year be your best ever and full to the brim with all the exuberance and happiness your name provides. And as a recipient of your joy, I feel blessed to know you and wish you the very best. Love….above everything. Have a happy happy day! (We are both Leos, hooray! Shine on!)

  5. #5 by Lisa @ Sacred Circle on July 14, 2010 - 4:46 pm

    Happy 4oth, dear Joy! What beautiful words, ones that I’ll certainly carry with me as I expand more fully and soulfully into my 40th year…. much gratitude for that. I will envision you crossing your threshold with a sweet smile strewn across your face and oodles to celebrate!

  6. #6 by Debbie Hampton on July 14, 2010 - 5:28 pm

    Thank you for a truly beautiful, inspiring, vulnerable, hopeful post. I was in the “before” place in which you describe in my early forties. Then, I tried to commit suicide at 43 and sustained a serious brain injury, lost custody of my kids, etc…turned my whole world upside down. I will be 47 later this month.

    It has been hard, very bleak at times, and sometimes terrifying . However, the past couple of years have progressively been a path of growth, discovery and abundance. I know that from here on out, my life is going to be glorious and the best yet because I appreciate everything so much like I did not before, recognize all the abundance in my life and have the tools and wisdom to create my own reality in a beautiful, joyful way no matter what unfolds.

    You truly do have to give up the life you thought you were going to have to live the life that is waiting for you. Happy Birthday. Blessings. Namaste.

  7. #7 by Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord on July 14, 2010 - 5:42 pm

    Beautiful Joy!

    I second many of the comments left here today (and PS – nice poem, Jay!)… You are such a shining example of what can happen when one embraces the journey of self-discovery. The divine opens up within, and miracles happen. What was once pain, becomes pleasure. What was once sad, becomes great happiness.

    As your vibration raises, you raise the vibration of the world. We are all so lucky to know you! Thank you, creator, for bringing Joy forth into this world!

    Love, love & more love! (And a big hug…)

    Ohhhh, and Chocolate Cake, please! (Or, you know, a more fitting form of dessert.) Ha!

  8. #8 by tobeme on July 14, 2010 - 8:23 pm

    Have a wonderful celebration of life as you physically turn 40! You are in such a wonderful place on a blessed journey. Much love to you.

  9. #9 by Liara Covert on July 14, 2010 - 11:34 pm

    Some people evolve in such a way as to feel numbers no longer matter. To live in the present moment is to know the essence of being is timeless, ageless and serene.

  10. #10 by Sibyl - alternaview on July 15, 2010 - 2:14 am

    Wow! What an amazingly wonderful post. I really thought all you shared and your intentions for what you will create was so insightful. It sounds as if you have had such an amazing journey and will continue to have one filled with love and happiness. Happy 40th Birthday.

  11. #11 by Tess The Bold Life on July 15, 2010 - 2:38 am

    I love birthdays! I see your future just as you describe. I’ll share it with you through wonderful times and hold the vision for you in challenged times. I do know that you’ll create everything you say and more. You are wise enough to know it’s a choice and loving enough to share it all! I love you my friend and am grateful

  12. #12 by Tony Single on July 15, 2010 - 1:39 pm

    Joy, I want to say just one thing to you today. You wear your 40 years with grace and without guile. Shine on. 🙂

  13. #13 by Lance on July 15, 2010 - 3:19 pm

    Woohoo!!! A birthday!

    Happy Smiley Happy Fun Fun!!!

    Continue to savor the moments…these moments that are YOUR life. They are beautiful…just as the soul of YOU, which shines so brightly in this universe.

    • #14 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on July 16, 2010 - 6:55 am

      To All,
      Thank you for the Amazing Energy that you share…my heart overflows with joy with these beauty filled connections…
      Much peace!!!!

  14. #15 by Barbara Swafford on July 16, 2010 - 7:52 am

    Hi Joy,

    How exciting. A milestone birthday. By the sounds of it, when your birthday dawns, you’ll be reborn, welcoming life and the next decade with open arms.

    May all you hope for become a reality, and then some.

    Enjoy your day. ((Hugs)) and best wishes.

  15. #16 by The Exception on July 16, 2010 - 2:13 pm

    Happy Birthday Joy.
    My 40th birthday is nearing as well – I find myself ready to embrace it with the full realization that it will include challenges and bliss. For now, I am celebrating the decade that has passed – from the tears to the laughter, I wouldn’t change a thing.
    May the next decade of your life be all that it is meant to be and may you continue to welcome the moments with an open heart and a loving spirit.
    Happy Birthday

  16. #17 by Christina on July 18, 2010 - 2:55 am

    yes! yes to it all.
    Warm blessing to you on this day and always.
    this is so very beautiful.

  17. #18 by Wilma Ham on July 19, 2010 - 12:33 am

    Dearest Joy, finally a ‘happy’ birthday and you deserve it. It is a magnificent gift to yourself and what a gift you have prepared. It is a beautiful description -if that is the word- of how love and light shine through if you seek it despite the darkness that you can be in.
    Oh Joy, have the most marvelous day, much love Wilma.

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