My Wish for the World


Welcome to my peace filled space.  It is an honor to share energy with you here!

I am reflecting upon an extraordinary week

I have been “unplugged” from all that redirects my energy from attracting and growing abundant peace and love.  From this overflowing well of peace and love I am healing my family and I am sharing with the world. As a healer, I do recognize the widespread hurt; as the mother of my children and head of my household, I recognize that it is my joy to love on and heal my family first and then address global concerns.  I thank you for all of the love sent our way–we are back on the boat, my son is healing and all is ‘well in our world’.

I have now “plugged” back in…

I read Jamie Ridler’s Wishcasting Wednesday.  Every week, it gives me inspiration, hope..allows me to think creatively about her latest question.  I visit each of the participant’s sites to bless their wish; what I receive in return is amazing!  Each participant has their own perspective, thought, idea..exciting to contemplate.  Considering myriad answers to the same question enriches my life by opening my mind to new and different or offering affirmation for that which I hold true. 

Jamie’s question today:

What do you wish for the world?


Peace in my harbor


Reading each answer filled me with such joy, such peace, such hope! 


My heart is open to the moment as it is presented to me..exactly as it is presented.  I am re-assured to know that there are people world wide who have not given up hope; but rather, are focused on pouring abundant hope into the world! We can collectively bury our heads in the sand and say none of this impacts us..or we may stand together– even in fear and unknown–and allow this circle of love to heal..our self first, then our neighbors, then our world. 

The base of healing is love. In the midst of fear and unknown, we as humans tend to want to isolate; to cocoon; to jump into bed, pull the covers up high and not move again until all is well..I understand.  May I suggest perhaps a new and different strategy?  May I suggest that you, yes, unplug from all that is “less than”; but instead of isolating and fretting, may you plug into all that is “more than”. In the wake of the devastating tsunami in Japan, a practical solution would be to turn off the TV with the graphic images, and heartbreaking loss; then to turn on prayer, good energy, donations to relief funds.  Instead of withdrawing our energy out of hopelessness, may we invest our energy… stand together and pour massive amounts of love into each moment that we are here on Earth.  To celebrate together the majesty, the power, the beauty of Mother Nature; to embrace together our spiritual beliefs (rather than release them out of frustration) and allow them to guide us forward through this huge pile of rubble..

This is my wish for the world: May we unplug from less than while we plug into more than and allow abundant love to heal us and guide our future choices as we rebuild from this unexpected disaster.  May we look not to blame, but to love.  May we recognize that fear is prevalent, but allow the strength of faith to propel us.  May we continue to create, to laugh, to play, to love, to nurture, to bask in the light, and to give praise for all that is good and right.

May we recognize that the power of our cumulative energy is life enriching, healing, transformative..

And may each thought and action be one of peace and love..

A powerful poem that touched my heart Wishing for This World

Much peace,


Donations: If my work has enriched your life in any way, may you consider donating through my home page.  Each dollar amount is very much appreciated and allows me to invest my energy into my passion of spreading love and peace through writing and teaching.  With each donation, you will receive a daily email affirmation in your in box for two weeks.  A refreshing and peace filled way to begin your day.
  1. #1 by April Cole on March 16, 2011 - 7:47 pm

    Beautiful wishes…
    As you wish this for the world, I wish this for us all well.

  2. #2 by Mare on March 16, 2011 - 8:39 pm

    Lovely! As you wish for yourself (and the world), so I truly wish also.

  3. #3 by caz on March 16, 2011 - 9:40 pm

    A lovely peaceful energy, as you wish for yourself, and the world, i wish for you also.

  4. #4 by Deborah Weber on March 16, 2011 - 10:07 pm

    Lovely wishes! As Joy wishes for the world, so I wish for her as well.

  5. #5 by Maryannk on March 17, 2011 - 12:32 am

    Totally! its all about hope and healing , I think those are some of the essentials we need in life.
    Good reads !

    As you wish for the world , I wish with you. : )

  6. #7 by Lucy on March 17, 2011 - 1:02 am

    As you wish for the world, so I wish with you also.

  7. #9 by Sandy Van Nocker on March 17, 2011 - 3:25 am

    Plugging in!! As you wish for yourself & the world, so I wish!

  8. #11 by Peggy Nolan on March 17, 2011 - 3:45 am

    “yes, unplug from all that is “less than”; but instead of isolating and fretting, may you plug into all that is “more than”.

    Beautifully said Joy!


    • #12 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on March 19, 2011 - 5:17 pm

      Hi Peggy,
      You are the queen of beauty..everything on your site touches my heart..I anticipate what lovely gift you will share next..and then get my tissues ready..for you open my heart so:) Thank you!

  9. #13 by Rand on March 17, 2011 - 5:16 am


    ‘An Irish Creed’

    “Joy is something to feel”

    Heart felt is your wish for the world, this onto you I wish as well.

    • #14 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on March 19, 2011 - 5:16 pm

      Hi Rand,
      Thank you. It took me a bit to process your comment..because you *get it*..
      “Joy is something to feel”..
      Thank you for understanding..

  10. #15 by Evita on March 17, 2011 - 2:36 pm

    Good morning Joy!

    And what a wonderful morning it is because we can all, each moment focus on all that is right in the world, instead of all that is not so.

    Thank you for the beautiful suggestions you offer – may we each expand our hearts and take this opportunity to grow in conscious awareness as to what each one of us can do in our lives, each day to heal the world and each other.

    • #16 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on March 19, 2011 - 5:15 pm

      Hi Evita,
      What a wonderful morning indeed!
      As you share, where to invest our energy is a choice we make..not something done to us or out of our control…
      So thank *you* for choosing to invest your energy in ways that allow me (and others) to grow and stretch and blossom!

  11. #17 by Robin Easton on March 17, 2011 - 2:56 pm

    Dearest Joy, this is totally brilliant, Joy!! I just LOVE it. I felt everything in me right itself just reading it. Like when you see a beautiful sunset and then sigh and just feel all is well, that the world is a place of great beauty, and all things are possible. I always feel that in nature and here I feel the same. Bless you dear friend.

    I just LOVED this line: “I have been “unplugged” from all that redirects my energy from attracting and growing abundant peace and love.”

    That kicks butt!! I am going to apply that on ALL levels of my life. I don’t watch the news (don’t own a TV by choice) and I rarely watch computer news. But that aside, this line of yours applies to all levels, and all actions and thoughts in our lives, even energetically, as we both know, it’s all energy anyway. I am going to print those words our and put them on my wall. Maybe I’ll write it like this: “I unplug from all that redirects my energy from attracting and growing abundant peace and love.”

    There are SO many good lines here but that line alone says it all. It sets us free. It would be a great line to have on your blog home page. I just love you and am so grateful for all you choose to be and are. You are changing lives. Love, Robin xox

    • #18 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on March 19, 2011 - 5:13 pm

      Oh my! I couldn’t even process your words..I had to come back again to read them and allow them to soak in. Thank you!
      I will share this with you..and other readers..I have completely unplugged in all areas from all that redirects my energy..and completely plugged into all that is healthy and whole for my energy. It was an extremely scary step for me, for Fear said I will be alone..and yes there indeed moments I am alone..but every moment is now as authentic and pure as possible..because I allow it to be! Thank you for affirming that with all that you share here in this comment, and all that you share in life..
      I love you, I love what you reflect by living as you do, and I love that you continue to guide me to complete freedom!

  12. #19 by Jeffrey Koconis on March 21, 2011 - 5:01 pm

    I continue to be amazed at how many people are tuning in to each other with the energy coming from subject matter like yours, being new to seeking people embracing life I only wish I had started sooner, I’m always plugging in and out, love it.

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