A Brand New Day Full of Joy…


Welcome to my joy filled, peace filled space.  May you feel welcome here today and each day that you choose to visit…

Sunrise off the boat

“Unfolding Your Path to Joy” believes that each day is a day of celebration!  A day to release expectation and open my heart fully to each moment as it is presented.  A day to allow wondrous Love to wrap around me and work “magic”..beyond what I can ask for or imagine.  A day to say ‘Thank You!’ to Universe, God, Nature, the skies.  A day to bask in the sunshine and dance in the moonbeams! 

I wake and today is labelled New Year’s Day.  I love New Year’s Day..fresh, clean, as beauty filled as I allow it to be; however, each and every day has this potential! So, I release the label, and along with that release is the release of expectation.  (*Please note that this method may be used with any label– when you release the label, the experience may unfold as it was meant to and unconditional love may be fully present, rather than imposing human conditions upon it*).

“Unfolding Your Path to Joy” doesn’t write out lofty lists, review the past year, celebrate differently because there is a label on the day. “Unfolding Your Path to Joy” allows her heart whispers to roam free daily, and if she is going to create a list, it is a gratitude list so that each item may be checked off and celebrated!  I honor my heart whispers because they are my Truth; goals may unintentionally infer “less than”, yet my heart Knows that ‘more than’ is available each moment I choose to open to it.  It is my choice…

There are a few things that are new and different within these pages.  The first is my writing style.  My heart is open most fully to my inner Truth, and that is what I choose to share in these pages.  I am a woman of peace, joy, love..I honor unfolding…I revel in magic, beauty, nature…I find the positive in All…and I Love unconditionally.  Some of what  present in these pages may be unique ideas or a different way of approaching something.  I understand that.  Fully.  Please choose what your heart says Yes! to and release all else. 

This month of January, I will participate in RAOKA this Wednesday with an article dedicated to *simplicity* and the rest of the month will be a series on self-love.  I’ve heard this ‘story’ too often: we give others our absolute best, work magic so that loved ones may watch as their dreams are realized, share our most amazing energy..then at the end of the day feel exhausted and alone.  I love you with my Being, and I want you to experience peace, joy, wonder, magic, love, for your self..even as you share with others..so we will explore self-love together.  I am most excited and humbled to share this series with you.

I have resisted modern media for some time.  My personal Truth is that I enjoy heart connections with my readers.  I visit your blogs so that I may learn, I email and correspond outside of this space because I truly want to Know you.  I celebrate these connections: life enriching, fulfilling, inspirational, motivating.  Thank you!  Truly.  I will be embracing modern media with Twitter and Facebook accounts and will provide the links to these soon.  On Twitter I am joychristin and on Facebook I am Joy Christin Detor Holland. 

The last new and different item is that I am offering to new subscribers a six-week email course on “Unfolding Your Path to Joy”.  This course is delivered in one week installments to your inbox.  If you are a current subscriber and are interested in receiving this course, please email me at joychristin@yahoo.com.

Thank you for sharing energy in this space.  Please know without a doubt that you are loved beyond measure, exactly where you are, exactly as you are..and life is as joy filled, peace filled, abundantly magical as you allow it to be:) 

May this day be exactly as your heart wishes it to be..

What magic shall you create today?

Much peace,


  1. #1 by Zeenat on January 1, 2011 - 6:32 pm

    Darling ever loving Joy,
    Your energy this past year has given me strength and light beyond measure..and for that I will remain eternally grateful.
    I excitedly await the new series of articles..and your amazing raoka contribution too!
    May you shine your light so so bright…and may we all soak this loving light.
    Happy new year full of love and abundance and all things colorful!
    Much love,

    • #2 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on January 1, 2011 - 7:18 pm

      Hi precious Z,
      Thank you! Love, abundance, and color will be enriching and fun to experience:)
      Your support and encouragement touch my heart..I appreciate all that you share–you inspire me to reach for the stars and dance in the moonbeams:)
      Happy New Year to you..may our lights touch and celebrate by shining ever so brightly–
      Much peace,

  2. #3 by Hilary on January 2, 2011 - 8:59 pm

    Hi Joy .. your unfolding path to joy – enriches us all, encompasses us, reminds us of our frailties while we remember the strengths we have ..

    I wish you a very peaceful and blessed path along 2011 with the children, your family, friends and your blogging pals .. the New Year does shine bright and will be brighter for us all .. positivity hangs its flag out for us all to join .. cheers Hilary

    • #4 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on January 4, 2011 - 8:06 pm

      Hi Hilary,
      So good to see you here:) Thank you for the kind words…
      I hope that we not only remember our strengths, but celebrate them and allow them to guide us as to what we choose to share with the World, and manifest within our own lives..
      I’m excited to watch as each connection unfolds!

  3. #5 by jonathanfigaro on January 3, 2011 - 7:04 pm

    You said this month is a series of self love right? I guess I’ll be here all month them..( smiles) great post.

  4. #7 by Evelyn Lim on January 4, 2011 - 11:52 am

    It’s great that you’re releasing any labels for New Year’s Day. I like that! It is true that just about any day can have its potential. Every moment can be lived anew.

    I love your energy and messages of joy. Can you include me in the newsletter series?

    • #8 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on January 4, 2011 - 8:10 pm

      Hi Evelyn,
      Thank you! I may create each and every moment to be exactly as my heart desires…the key is to allow for it to happen…
      Yes I shall include you in the newsletter series..I think you will find it is quite fun and refreshing…

  5. #9 by Peggy Nolan on January 4, 2011 - 6:08 pm

    Dear Joy,

    I keep coming back to look at the Sunrise photo 🙂 Simply stunning!

    I love your idea for a month of self-love. Healthy self-love is so important in daily life!

    • #10 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on January 4, 2011 - 8:11 pm

      Hi Peggy,
      The sunrise photo is one of my favorites because it was taken moments before extreme weather hit. I find if I appreciate the golden moments when they are presented, the not so golden moments are much more easier to process…
      I do hope you are able to join me this month..you inspire me so!

  6. #11 by Keith on January 4, 2011 - 6:34 pm


    Beautiful post my friend. You are certainly a bright light in the world, and I am gald you’ll be embracing things like FaceBook etc. More people need to see your light!

    Many blessings. =)

    • #12 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on January 4, 2011 - 8:12 pm

      Hi Keith,
      Thank you my friend..Not only will I be a presence on facebook and twitter, but also the speaking circuit..I am allowing my gifts to be used to touch many..very fun and very exciting!

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