Wisdom Wednesday: Manifesting a Masterpiece

In this video, Ms Kseniya shows us how to manifest a masterpiece.  I think that Ms Kseniya’s work is spectacular.  I also think that each one of us shines in our own way as brightly as Ms Kseniya does.  At one point in the video, audience members have a visceral reaction to the experience.  At some point in life, when you share your gifts, you will elicit such a visceral reaction. You may or may not see it openly expressed, but when you share from your heart, you communicate with other hearts and provide healing, inspiration, encouragement, hope, peace…fruits of the Spirit from one to another.

As I watch the video, I imagine being in the audience, taking in the music, the energy of the crowd, the beauty, the candle burning brightly.  I close my eyes and listen to the music, let it touch my soul.  I open them and again think how spectacular is Ms Kseniya’s work. *You* have this same ability to stir emotions, connect with hearts, within your own life.  Can you feel it????  Perhaps your tools might be different–instead of sand, perhaps you have  a pen, a skillet, a hammer, a smile, a strong arm to lean against, a voice like an angel…..but the process is the same for all of us.

How to manifest a masterpiece:

  • To manifest requires sharing your heart.  Know your heart, hear your heart’s whispers, let your heart express itself in ways you are familiar and comfortable with.  Your story is precious, unique, special.  Tell it in your own precious, unique, special way.
  • Prep your work area and surround yourself with items that allow your Light to shine.  Things that make you feel alive, allow your heart whispers to soar.  Ms Kseniya chose to light a candle, use familiar tools, wear comfortable clothes, and listen to stirring music.
  • Before beginning, center yourself.  Take a deep, cleansing breath.  Pray, meditate, ask for the space to be blessed, your skills to be blessed, your story to be blessed, and to touch each individual in the way they would most benefit.  You are sharing for a reason, any other person is participating for a reason.  Let the energy of the Universe do it’s work as you do yours. Allow your heart to be open, to speak to the hearts that are present. Turn your mind off and enjoy the process.  You are good at what you do, and you are meant to be in this moment.
  • In the actual creating moments, enjoy it.  Let you Spirit shine, your heart soar.  Relish each moment that you are sharing.  This is wonder filled, *awe* some.  This is your authentic space, so own it, fill it up, let it expand to fill the room, the building, the Universe.  Let it carry you to the moon and back, and bring everyone with you.
  • Dare to be different.  Express yourself in your own precious, special, unique way.  Be dramatic, add flair.  Be quiet, barely moving the air. This is your heart, your essence, let it be exactly as it is. 
  • Receive praise, applause, compliments for what you are sharing; use that positive energy to help your masterpiece shine brighter, more radiant, more magnificently.  There is abundance in all, receiving shows *your* appreciation toward those you are sharing with.  A beautiful cycle to participate in.  
  • When your masterpiece is complete, share it wholeheartedly.  Bless it as it is then let it go.  Release it. Let it circulate and touch those around you in the best possible way. Give praise for the experience.  Then, take the experience with you to Light the spaces in your heart that need lighting, to brighten the places that are already lit.  You have made the world a better place for sharing as you have.

Do you watch this video, read these words and wish *you* could do that?  You can.  And you do.  Already. You have a treasure within–a masterpiece just waiting to be created, a masterpiece fit for the moment you are in.  You know the areas you have been gifted, it is your choice to hide that gift in the recesses of your heart, or to acknowledge your heart whispers and let them soar freely touching all of those who experience it. 

As you share, remember to receive.  As you receive, remember to share.  I’ll see you on the moon…..

Much peace,


  1. #1 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on April 28, 2010 - 1:04 pm

    I watch the video and read these words and think each time I cook I create a masterpiece. I love cooking, I enjoy all aspects of it, and my food is healing. When I choose food items, I ask for a blessing–that loosely guides me on what to purchase. Before I prepare a meal, I light a candle, put on music, ask for a blessing. I enjoy the process of cooking, absolutely. I enjoy sharing a meal. I thoroughly enjoy the reaction my food brings. Whether it’s my children and I eating breakfast before school, or a gathering of family and friends each dish is prepared in the same way, with love and gratitude for who I am and where I am and who I am about to serve. Sometimes the food is simple, sometimes dynamic, always fresh and exactly what is needed at the time . I enjoy cooking on the boat, but I equally enjoy cooking in different friends’ kitchens–the process blesses their kitchen, their home, in a way like no other. Perfect:)

  2. #2 by Jodi Sloane on April 28, 2010 - 10:08 pm

    Hi Joy,
    Wonderful video, so inspiring to watch. I love your comment, as well, where you describe your cooking experience. How wonderful that you make a blessed event out of each meal you prepare. Your new site is lovely…I enjoy seeing the other side of your writing talents. Thank you for putting yourself out there! Jodi

  3. #3 by Sulwyn on April 29, 2010 - 12:21 am

    What amazing timing for your post for me, it really makes me stop to think… in a good way. Am I approching my creativity with respect or do I have a tendency to take it for granted and ignore it until it isn’t there the way I want it to be sometime? Thank you!

    • #4 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on April 30, 2010 - 12:13 am

      Thank you for stopping in:)
      That you are thinking about your creativity is awesome…it means your heart is ready to open and create even bigger even better than you have been. Creativity comes from your heart, so even if you ignore it, it is there patiently waiting until you are ready to express it again..ready to color your world in marvelous ways:)

  4. #5 by Greg Blencoe on April 29, 2010 - 4:35 pm

    Hi Joy,

    I completely agree that everybody is capable of creating a masterpiece. We all have been given a special gift or gifts that can provide SO MUCH to others. However, as you mentioned, we have to have the courage to share our hearts.

    This makes me wonder why a lot more people don’t do this. Perhaps it is because they actually might be intimidated by the power that they have. However, I hope people will overcome this or any other fear that is causing their masterpiece to be held back, because the world needs our gifts!

    • #6 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on April 30, 2010 - 12:08 am

      Hi Greg,
      I’m glad you’ve stopped in:)
      I love the insights your comment provides. “Courage” is such a tricky thing, I’d like it to be an effortless keep your heart open and see what happens kind of thing.
      Your second point is awesome. I’ve watched people manifest their dream and then upon receiving it either deflect it or turn away from it. Change, even good change, shocks our entire system and some people would rather the status quo than to endure the shock of change. Many people don’t realize the power they have–I like to think it is Universal Divine Energy and when we stand shoulder to shoulder it just flows through–anything *is* possible.
      You are absolutely right…the world needs each of our gifts, and *we* need each of our gifts, which is why my heart is so happy to watch people share them!

  5. #7 by Sara on April 29, 2010 - 4:36 pm

    After visiting several sites with videos, I almost did not watch this video. I actually read your post first — I know that’s cheating:~) Then I thought, “why not?” and watched the video. It touched me so deeply that it brought tears to my eyes. The beauty of her art was unbelievable. I want to share this video with everyone….

    After the video, I re-read your post and it had so much more meaning to me. I loved how you expressed the FACT that we all have “gifts” to share. We just have to be unselfish and offer them.

    Your thoughts about manifesting a masterpiece were wonderful too. I’ve copied them just to remind myself how to share my own gifts. Thank you so much for this joyfilled post:~)

    • #8 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on April 30, 2010 - 12:03 am

      Thank you for joining me here.
      Videos can be distracting/tiime consuming, but I thought this one so lovely I wanted to share it. I’m glad you watched it and it touched you. You opened your heart and received a blessing.
      I wanted part of my point to be that we all do have gifts, yes, and that usually to share them is effortless on our part, yet so meaningful for another to receive. Sharing and receiving is such a naturally beautiful cycle and doesn’t require an abundance of material anything, just reaching out from your heart.
      Thank *you* for your heart warming comment:)

  6. #9 by Caity on April 29, 2010 - 9:15 pm

    I’ve seen this video before. It’s beautiful. I love how you say that everyone has their own way of creating a masterpiece. I never would have thought of it that way but what an optimistic and beautiful perspective. For me, my masterpiece is singing. I love to share this joy with people.

    • #10 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on April 29, 2010 - 11:57 pm

      You have a voice like an angel..and you share it so generously! We each have a bounty of gifts that when we share others find a masterpiece that touches them in ways we couldn’t imagine.

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