Fearless Fun Friday: Use Your Influence…

Hi…and welcome to my lovely little space….

I am blessed to be surrounded by creative people with overflowing, abundant, generous Spirit..please allow that Spirit to touch you today and perhaps even motivate you to share your gifts with another…

My heart is whispering to you…may you consider that perhaps the use of your time, energy, talents..are as– or even more–important than investing money with your favorite charity.  That yes, service outside of your ‘circle’ is ultra necessary to change the world, but perhaps you may look inside your circle and see who you may best serve there…And, please, however you choose to serve..please choose to serve with ease out of an abundantly flowing reserve, out of love and kindness and joy..because the energy with which you share makes as much of an impact as *what* you share…

As Mom and Queen Bee in my section of butterfly and glitter land…

I ask my children to serve with me.  Actually, I never ‘ask’ as far as “will” they participate, but rather how would they be most comfortable participating?  I feel service is an extension of my overflowing heart..I approach service with ease, and I’d like my children to feel the same…it’s not shall I serve, but…how shall I serve you best?

I’d like to share an example:

I received an email from Nate at It Starts With Us with information on how to participate in his first group video project.  I thought how brilliant!  I gave my children the details and explained why I think this project is important and how easy it would be for us to walk out on our dock and film a few seconds of video to help our friend Nate change the world.  It is *that easy* to change the world…a few moments of focus leaving a lasting impression…  My children thought about what they would like to share and we submitted our clip, which is part of the video you may view here…

After you view the video, Nate would like you to consider how you can share a few moments of your time, and then leave a comment at this link: Use Your Influence.  I appreciate your support.

I would like you to consider the following:

How may I best serve you?

This is from my life to allow *your* creative juices to flow…

What you may consider a cumbersome chore, I may consider delight filled..I love grocery shopping and it is fun for me to pick up fresh produce or special treats from the gourmet store as I shop for my own family.  It is a joy for me to drive long distances, I may drive you to visit a place that feels out of reach to you, to visit your sick friend, to explore an area you’ve wanted to explore.  It is a pleasure for me to share my books with you, to write a note of encouragement, to sketch a colorful drawing. 

I smile naturally and make eye contact because I ‘see’ you and I want you to know you are loved…

When you smile, mine brightens…when my smile is bright, I laugh and that melody reaches into your heart and allows you a moment of giddiness..

I write throughout the day..it is my pleasure to find a quote or string together a few sentences to remind you that you are part of a glorious Bigness…and that *anything* truly is possible..

If you have a project near and dear to your heart…and I may assist you, I shall. 

When you are sick, I don’t ask.. may I bring you soup and a magazine? I bring you soup and a magazine.. I sit with you and share my laughter.  I hold your hand.

When you have minimal money, I don’t ask.. may I share money with you?  I buy you a gift certificate to Ralph’s, Target, and the gas station, because I know you will use them and your quality of life will be enhanced.  I mail you cash because I know you will know where to best apply it…

When you express genuine love of one of my treasures,  I shall give it to you;  it is already a part of my heart, and I know that it will bring you much delight…

When you need a hand, I don’t ask.. do you need a hand? I lend you my hand..carry what is heavy for you so you may take a break, watch your children, dig up weeds in the garden, help with the project that overwhelms you, walk those first steps with you so you know you are not alone and together we banish fear…

When you are hungry, I feed you.  I see you at the corner, in front of my grocery store, at my comfort beach, and I know you are hungry for far more than food, but you will only accept food, so I love you through my offerings…I want you to feel full, and hope that fullness alleviates your ache…

I pray for you, because you’ve told your story..I praise when it’s time to celebrate, I intercede when you are questioning..I pour my Energy into you, send Love and Light, because you are worthy..

When you need encouragement, I don’t ask… do you need encouragement; I read your words, I listen to your voice, I ‘hear’ you and I give you encouragement…I text you, I write you, I send you a small gift…

I may ask..but most times I do not..for your mind will say no thank you I’m okay… while you heart says “oh, yes please I could use that extra ooomph”..and often you don’t let your heart speak for fear of rejection or looking foolish or weak or any one of a number of reasons one smothers their heart whispers and allows their mouths to speak….

These are just a few ways I may serve those around me…a few ways I use my influence to change the world..Again, ease filled from my overflowing abundant heart..because I *want to*, I lovingly treat you as I want to be treated…

In closing, there are times I barely have enough money to allow for necessities for my own little family, but what I do have is an abundance of resources through the Universe..it is easy to apply money as a band-aid, it’s creative to use your resources of time, energy, talent in ways to actually touch another person…Perhaps because I have minimal material, I’ve learned how to tap into and share unlimited heart abundance…

In raising my children, they have minimal material, but they have unlimited heart abundance..They treat others as they have been treated at home…It is not a choice their minds make, rather an extension of their heart space…and sometimes they remind me of the lessons I’ve tried to share…If they, at such a young age, can share so effortlessly and enthusiastically as you were able to see in the video today, then surely you too can tap into your inner child’s potential and take a few moments of your time to use your influence..

Thank you for supporting me here..and please take a few moments to support Nate at the above link…

You are loved beyond measure, exactly as you are, exactly where you are.  You are enough, you have enough, you will always be enough….

Much peace,


  1. #1 by Jannie Funster on August 14, 2010 - 3:48 am

    Dearest JoyChristin,

    There is none richer than you with your abundant heart and spirit of giving. Minimal material makes for true happiness indeed — the less I have, the more peaceful I am. And you — I feel your peacefulness with each lucky encounter I am in your presence.

    I am clicking now to see Nate’s video!


  2. #2 by Jannie Funster on August 14, 2010 - 3:53 am

    Hey, I saw you three! Cute, cute kids!


  3. #3 by Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord on August 14, 2010 - 7:18 pm

    I think that’s really great, and I love the additional ideas you shared of what you do in your own life, Joy. You are the embodiment of “love in action,” as Wilma would say. Thank you for that, and thank you for sharing this “It Starts With Us” video! You’re so fancy!

    PS — as the yellow-shirted gal said, maybe I’ll go out and “Give some huuuuuuuggggsss” today.

  4. #4 by Lance on August 15, 2010 - 12:58 am

    You and your kids are AWESOME in the video!! And…you give so much of your love away always…what a gift you are!!

  5. #5 by Wilma Ham on August 15, 2010 - 11:17 pm

    OH Joy, this is living, isn’t it? Seeing, noticing who is in front of us and serving them. What else is there actually to do on this earth if you come to think of it. When you are present you see and feel what is needed, where a plant needs water, where a human needs a hug, where a child needs a listening ear and when you need to receive as well.
    Oh Joy, it is hard to imagine how the world would look like when we are focused on people away from our limiting thoughts. We have no idea how interconnected we are, how giving and receiving are one and how when I give you a hug, I give myself one as well. Everything is always ours to have, even if we give it away something else comes in its place, gratitude to be able to give. Nothing is linear, our current economy wants us to believe that, but it is so not the case is it? If we all get this, we all share our resources and we all can live abundantly.
    Joy, this image what you describe here is what we need to have in our mind every minute of the day, it is love filled, joy filled and the only way to live life how it is meant to be lived.
    There is no shortage, God never created or had thoughts of it, so it doesn’t exist, except in our own distorted view. The world you are shaping for your children is awesome, Joy let me contribute by giving you the biggest hug, xox Wilma

  6. #6 by Evita on August 16, 2010 - 12:37 am

    Joy, every time I read your words I think more and more to myself – actually I ask myself, where did such a pure and beautiful heart come from? They say there are angels in this world – I believe. You say you saw one on the tennis court for example – I believe. And you know what, I know I interact with one every time I come here or read something from you or have your energy touch my life in some way.

    What a JOY it is to know you and I love coming to your “glitter land” – I cannot think of being in a better place!

    And this line you said ” Actually, I never ‘ask’ as far as “will” they participate, but rather how would they be most comfortable participating? ” again just leaves me in awe and so inspired to your parenting skills.

    It was awesome to see you and your little ones in the video too – great message and it is so true – we all have so much influence…. how will we use it?

  7. #7 by Meredith on August 16, 2010 - 2:03 am

    You are amazing, Joy. An inspiration to us all.

    I had not been feeling like I had very much left to give, but taking this August break, a sabbatical of sorts from blogging and commenting and even following up on e-mails in a timely manner, and busying myself instead with the everyday miracles of my simple life — and just finding time to not be busy, but just to be, have all restored me to that feeling that I am blessed beyond measure and cannot wait to be of service to those I meet on this amazing journey. 🙂

    You have given me encouragement, many times now. Just reading your beautiful words here gives me a lift and often puts a smile on my face, makes my heart glow a little brighter. Thank you for all you do, whether it is noticed and recorded or not.

    Thank you so much for sending Megan my way, as well. A lovely introduction — and just another way in which you’ve shown me your love in my own life!

  8. #8 by unfoldingyourpathtojoy on August 16, 2010 - 3:53 am

    Hi Jannie,
    Peace filled is a treasure….my life is as grand as I allow it to be…quite reflective of the openness of my heart…
    & thank you! my children are precious in Spirit, and beautiful indeed:)

    Hi Megan,
    Hugs are awesome..those you hug are blessed indeed:)
    We each share in our own unique way…I would hope it is with ease and out of abundance…

    Hi Lance,
    LOL..thank you:)

    Hi Wilma,
    *grin* Thank you! I love hugs!
    Thank you for all that you shared in your comment..you reflect such loveliness in your vision..my heart leaps when you share..Shortage is worldly and in my mind..abundance is Universal and in my heart…and my children are precious because I allow them to be precious:)

    Hi Evita,
    Wow. Thank you!
    I used to think a pure and beautiful heart was a curse that set me apart..I’ve learned to accept the gift within and share it graciously with those around me. I was placed on this Earth to serve others out of my abundance..that is my purpose..it is my pleasure to fulfill my purpose. As far as parenting, my children learn from my actions so they know to address a need with what you have when it is presented. They do the same at their level.. I hope this is a piece of our history that they honor their entire life…

    Hi Meredith,
    Thank you!
    Rest is necessary…you need to breathe, to live, to love, to just be…
    Please remember when you share, to share with ease from a place of abundance..the energy you create with goes along with your creation…
    Also remember, when you don’t have abundance, it may be your time to receive..honor the flow and allow it to guide you…
    *You* are a gem..your blog is one I treasure because your creativity, your talent is amazing and not in my immediate realm, so it’s like a gift to me…Thank *you*!

    Much peace,

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