An Unplanned Break…..

For my regular readers who came to this space today to read a Monday blessing…I apologize…

I do not write ahead…I write from my heart very close to the day I am going to publish….

This weekend, the children and I practiced unfolding at its best..there was an amazing flow of Divine Energy that carried us through Friday evening to this morning when I have an early work shift.  When I mention unfolding, part of that is to keep our hearts open to how the day shall flow rather than insist our way through a stated intent….

I did not update my Everyday Miracles page to include Saturday and Sunday yet…Saturday was a flow of miracles and Sunday followed suit….in between were pockets of time to just be…I wanted to write, but I wanted to stay in the flow as  a little family…so we stayed in the flow..magnificent..wonderful…

I experienced *magical* in many ways…one was in the form of Love so Divinely placed to remind me that Love is effortless, easy, peace filled, brings joy to my heart and blessings to my family…May we all allow our hearts to open so wide we may feel Love unguarded and beauty filled…and magic purposely placed in the way we most enjoy experiencing…

I shall be back in this space Wednesday…for now..know that you are loved beyond measure and that all that you seek is already within your life there for you to embrace when you are ready…

If you would like something to read, you may refer to Fearless Fun Friday: Freedom

Much peace,
