About Joy and This Peace Filled Blog..

Hello 🙂


My name is Joy.  I often say I am a woman having a love affair with the world!  I am delighted to be the mother of two pre-teen children; the only single mom locally raising her two children on a sailboat.   Enthusiastic, daring, passionate, energetic are a few words that describe me.  Caring, kind, generous, compassionate, nurturing are a few more.  I do not believe in labels, however, for you to “know me” I am a life coach, an inspirational writer, a motivational speaker, and the hostess of this blog.  This blog is one resource I use to promote a peace filled, joy filled life. 

What you will find in this blog…

As you read these pages, may you feel Love, Peace, Joy emanating.  As you connect with other readers through comments, may you feel a sense of community.  As you allow new ideas to converge with old and create something different, may you feel excitement, hope, fun. May this be a place you come to rest, refresh, rejoice

You will find the two most recent articles at the sidebar on the left, under “Recent Postings”.  I hostess my blog as I do my kitchen table.. it’s comfortable, casual, and there are often quite a lot of guests.  So, please get your favorite refreshments, pull up a comfy chair, and visit a while…

I believe that:

Love truly is the Answer.  Each and every time.  No exception. 

This day is a gift! My heart overflows with gratitude for the experience to be Alive in this day.  When I wake in the morning, I stretch and say “Thank you for this day and All in it”..and then I begin to move throughout my day. 

It is my pleasure to love you as you are.  Not who you once were or who you strive to be, but who you are at this moment.  As an Empath with a gift of clarity, I Feel you and Know you.  The real You, the inner core.  Sometimes even before you Known yourself.  And  I love you! Sometimes even when you don’t love yourself.  I celebrate you and all that you reflect to me!

As I open my heart to the moment as it is presented to me, there is a natural flow to my day.  In such a space, each moment is one heart connection followed by another.  When I close my heart, I am limiting the natural flow. 

I am given this moment so I choose to live it fully.  I shall not label an experience “good” or “bad”..it purely is.  I turn off my mind and allow my senses to lead.  My senses Feel the moment, while my entire Being experiences it.  I choose to live mindfully present, investing my energy into the moment I am in.  To live in such a way, I’ve released my story, which I share here so it may inspire you…and you may read by clicking the link. 

Life is meant to be a joy filled experience, as ease free/struggle free as I allow it to be.  If I am struggling, I am resisting something significant.  To release struggle, I drop resistance. 

There is a God who holds my hand, and an Energy Flow throughout the Universe..and when I stand strongly in Faith anything truly is possible.  

My life is as magical as I allow it to be.  Sure, that may sound polly-annish to some, but it’s my Truth.   And I lovingly challenge you to embrace the magic surrounding you and let it work in your life.

My body is my physical shell.  It is my honor to love my body as it is because it is what houses my Spirit. It is my pleasure to take good care of this body so that I may explore as much of Earth as possible, experience fully all activity that delights me, move freely through my heart connections. If my body has limitations, I have imposed those limitations upon it.  I celebrate what my body can do rather than beat it up for what I feel it cannot.

The sky is my ceiling, the ocean my floor (I live on a boat), the hills my “walls”, the islands my playground.  Nature is not “out there”,  She is my home.  I lovingly experience All that she presents me with..I celebrate the sun rise and sleep under the moon beams and give praise for everything in between.  Because I love Her, I choose to interact with Her in a respectful, gentle manner. 

What I invest my Energy into is what will grow.   I choose to invest my energy through my heart space.  I choose to find, nourish, and grow the positive in the moment.  I choose to love Fully. 

   What is Unfolding?

Unfolding simply means that all that is necessary in my life is already in it; it unfolds naturally as long as I allow for it.  Allowing is much like tending a garden, providing the necessary components for healthy, whole, beautiful.  Lovingly, tenderly caring for each and every plant; pulling weeds is a pleasure because it allows room for beauty to grow, praising along the way for the beauty around me. 

When you join “Unfolding Your Path to Joy” as a subscriber you will receive a free 6 week email course on the topic of unfolding your path to joy.   

Each donation is graciously received..and very much appreciated!  When you donate to “Unfolding Your Path to Joy” you will a two week daily affirmation by email.   

Thank you for choosing to share energy in this space!  Please feel free to browse my favorite pages, listed in the sidebar.   I think reader’s comments add juiciness and insight to the conversation, so please leave a  comment at the end of each post as you read. 

If you have any questions, or if I may serve you in any way, please email me at joychristin@yahoo.com.  I welcome your input. 

I leave you with this gift: 

My Life Affirmation

I Trust Fully..

in the Perfect Plan…

for me.

I am comfortable and safe in each experience

presented to me,

I open my heart fully

to the magic in my life.

My life is as magical and grand as I allow it to be.

 Much peace,


  1. #1 by Robin Easton on December 16, 2010 - 2:45 am

    Dearest Joy, This is soooooooo beautiful. You’ve no idea how much I relate to this. Yes, we WILL have to talk one day when things are a bit slower for me. I think of you SO often. I could not believe when you wrote this:

    “It is my pleasure to love you as you are. Not who you once were or who you strive to be, but who you are at this moment. As an Empath with a gift of clarity, I Feel you and Know you. The real You, the inner core. Sometimes even before you Known yourself. And I love you! Sometimes even when you don’t love yourself. I celebrate you and all that you reflect to me!”

    THAT made me cry! Wow! It’s like you took the words right out of my own heart. that’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read. I SO get you on this. Just so so much. I LOVE you for writing this. I hug you so much right now. It is exactly how I see people as well. It did me SO much good to read this. I just love you, am with, and so so grateful for your presence in my life.

    What a way to end my day. Tonight I unplug for 6 days and take a total computer/phone break. You are with me and I with you. Always. Much love, Robin

  1. Love Is…Ever Present « Positive Provocations

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